ISIS to [erosion] in Southeast Asia or transfer shaft foot from ...

ISIS to [erosion] in Southeast Asia, or transfer shaft foot from ...

ISIS to [erosion] in Southeast Asia or transfer shaft foot from ... On top of the roof of the school in the city, extremist organization [Iraq Syria Islamic State (ISIS)] black banner of are listed. Here it is not the Syria and Iraq, which is a conventional sphere of influence of ISIS. But far away in Southeast Asia in the Philippines from the Middle East. ISIS leaders ratio southern Month in Malawi city of southern Mindanao, the combatants and the government forces with ISIS ties war. While martial law is war on the entire island, at least 0 people died from battle commence within weeks. According to local residents, the combatants in Malawi where Muslims account for the majority have suddenly entered the afternoon of the month. With a masked, he was carrying the assault rifle. Black on white characters [Allah in addition to God none] ISIS flag that says is that had fluttered [in the city everywhere. Philippine military spokesman, referred to as government forces civilians who until the month and day afternoon in the collision of the combatants, the military personnel who, with the police officers who were killed.
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